I fell in love with a girl and a place
And my heart opened wide like never before
But all that is precious, yet fragile, soon breaks
Just as all waters eventually run to the sea
Bathe with me, believe in me
Hold me close to all things sacred and tender
Run with me, walk with me, fall with me
Breathe with me, love with me, cry with me
Curse me, if you will
I grasp the punishment of learning as if it were a thorn
And the blood from my hand pours out
But all that is green and fresh is drowned in red
Just as the life is sucked from me
All things grow, all things grow
We kept our hearts in jars by the window
The two together, looking out on a beautiful dawn
We kept our souls in our shoes
And we walked the imaginary steps to Cyprus
I drove a journey to your heart every day
And the miles alone would have taken me to Cyprus and back
But I had you and would never have fallen for the allure of Aphrodite
Just as you never wanted to fall upon my failings
All things grow, all things grow
We kept our fears out the back with the cat and the stars
The fur and the heavens ruminating on our future
While I got drunk on beer and you on warm chocolate
We talked with words that were quiet and delicate
Dream with me, discover with me
Hold your forehead against mine as if I might know your thoughts
A dream, a memory, a moment, a touch, a kiss, a cry
I will hold and cherish them all
While crazy pools of water mock me
I drive forward on my journey now
Not to reach a point of destination or respite
But that I might find a freedom…
…a freedom from myself and nothing else
All things grow, all things grow
I kept my heart and placed it safely away
In a box, in a corner, in the darkness
I never kept safe my soul to truly see
The day when I had learned from my mistakes
All things grow, all things grow...
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